Friday, February 12, 2010

How to integrate JasperServer and Oracle E-Business Suite

Suppose you want to use JasperServer (3.7) to generate reports containing data from the E-Business Suite. (In case you wonder, JasperServer is an open-source product that can be used to host JasperReports reports).
In many cases you will just write a (huge) select statement that extracts the data. However, sometimes the data will have to come from an Oracle API, and in that case we can do something like

select some_oracle_function(x) from dual;

However, many of Oracle's APIs require some initialization first, which is done with the familiar function fnd_global.apps_initialize.
While it is still possible to include the call to fnd_global.apps_initialize in some function that you later 'select from dual' from, there is a caveat: You are likely to run into the error

ORA-14552: cannot perform a DDL, commit or rollback inside a query or DML

This is should not be surprising, there is nothing to stop Oracle from doing commits and the like in fnd_global.apps_initialize. They might write audit-logs, or it might be something completely different. We do not know.

So we need to be able to issue a PL/SQL Statement before the select in JasperServer.

Luckily this is possible by using the language 'plsql' in queryString:

<querystring language="plsql">...

in the jrxml file.

This enables us to write stored procedures that can do all kinds of fancy PL/SQL-Stuff and then return a cursor with the desired query results.

In order to be able to do this, some extra configuration is needed.
First, you need to add the line


to the file

You also have to add the string 'plsql' below 'sql' in the files (war-file-for-jasperserver)/WEB-INF/flows/queryBeans.xml
and (war-file-for-jasperserver)/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml

Now you can write a PL/SQL-Procedure like the following:

procedure get_data_from_ebs(p_cursor out ref_cur, p_some_parameter in number) is
open p_cursor for
select * from some_table where p_some_parameter=xyz;

You have to define 'type ref_cur is ref cursor;' in your package spec.

Now you can use this procedure in the jrxml like so:

<querystring language="plsql">
<![CDATA[{call get_data_from_ebs($P{cursor}, $P{some_parameter})}]]>

I also had to add

<parameter name="DATABASE_TIMEZONE" class="java.lang.String" isforprompting="false">

in that file.

A nice side-effect is that the messy SQL is kept out of the jrxml.


  1. Nice article. Have you already posted a link to it from the JasperServer forums on It would be well received there.

  2. Good afternoon,

    Thanks a lot for sharing your findings. I followed everything in your blog about the additional configuration steps.

    I made the following changes:

    1 ) C:\Program Files\jasperserver-ce-3.7.0\apace-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\classes\

    Added the line:


    2) C:\Program Files\jasperserver-ce-3.7.0\apace-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\flows\queryBeans.xml

    Added plsql



    3) C:\Program Files\jasperserver-ce-3.7.0\apace-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\applicationContext.xml

    Added plsql and PLSQL after every instance of sql




    WIth these changes, my report runs perfect in IReport however it gives me an error when I try to run the report on JasperServer 3.7.0 Community Edition.

    I have a cursor in IReport that works fine but I'm not sure how to declare/create that cursor (is it a local control?) on JasperServer.

    Anyway, the actualy error is in the code section below. "PlSqlQueryExecuterFactory not found."

    Do you have an idea on what else I may be missing ? The report runs on IReport 3.7.1 but fails to run on JasperServer.

    Thanks for any help regarding this,

    Gervin Lapira

  3. I have the exact same problem, have tried the same fixes. Still no progress.

    Has anybody figured this out?


  4. As soon as I asked, I figured it out.

    I got it working by copying the following file from within the iReports installation directory:

    into the .../jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib folder and restarting the server.

    Good luck.


  5. I've done all of these things, including todd's suggestion, and I still get the error: The selected JRXML could not be parsed. You might have selected the wrong file.
